| Ultimate Horror Movie Album Ultimate Horror Movie Album Genre: Soundtracks
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- Through the Looking Glass [From Phantom of the Opera] - Perry, Sam
- Overture [From King Kong] - Steiner, Max
- Main Title from "Dracula" [1931] - Tchaikovsky, Pyotr
- Main Title from "The Omen" [1976] - Goldsmith, Jerry
- Creation of the Female Monster and the Tower Explodes [From the ...] - Waxman, Franz
- Prelude and Nightmare [From Vertigo] - Herrmann, Bernard
- Concerto for Piano and Orchetra: Nightmare, Romantic Interlude, ... - R?sza, Mikl?s
- A Narritive for Orchestra [From Psycho] - Herrmann, Benard
- Night Journeys [From Dracula] - Williams, John [Fil
- Suite [From Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde] - Waxman, Franz