Amazon.comAlbums made up of Ellington and Strayhorn compositions come about every 30 seconds or so. However, albums of such absolute grace and beauty as this one has come along once in a rare while. Tommy Smith, the Scotsman tenor, embraces these timeless tunes with a combination of disarming gentleness and utter conviction. It requires tremendous assuredness to play so quietly, unhurriedly, and thoughtfully, and at age 32, Smith shows maturity far beyond his years. Adding Mingus's Ellingtonian title track to the program shows great taste as well. The veteran rhythm section--Kenny Barron, Peter Washington, Billy Drummond--is completely in service to Smith; Barron especially befits the romantic and elegant setting. With his meticulous choice of notes, Smith proves that ambition and ease can happily work together. --Marc Greilsamer