| Tommy Garrett Hombre / Love Songs Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (24) - Disc #1- The Mexican Shuffle
- Yellow Days [Se Te olvida]
- A Fistful Of Dollars
- La Negra
- Patricia
- Domingo de Ronda [Theme From Blue]
- El Hombre
- Magic Trumpet
- For A Few Dollars More
- Mucho Cerveza
- The Hanging Tree
- The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
- Spanish Eyes
- Always In My Heart
- Piel Canela
- La Comparsa
- Yours [Quiereme Mucho]
- Sabor A Mi [Be True To Me]
- La Golondrina
- Siboney
- La Malagueña (Son Huasteco)
- Time Was [Duerme]
- Tender Moments [Tiernos Momentos]
- Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps [Quizás, Quizás, Quizás]