| Three Bridges Breakin Chains Genres: Pop, Christian & Gospel
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- It Took - Three Bridges, Henson, Ronnie
- Everyday It Starts All Over Again - Three Bridges, Williams, Daryl K.
- Don't Let Go - Three Bridges, Cunningham, Adam
- Wait on That Mountain to Move - Three Bridges, Bates, Glen
- Bless Your Holy Name Again - Three Bridges, Storie, Ben
- Breakin' Chains - Three Bridges, Sexton, Beverly D.
- Can't Believe My Eyes - Three Bridges, Scarbrough, Ray
- He Took the Cross - Three Bridges, Cheney, Steve
- Arms of Love - Three Bridges, Dooley, Jimmy
- I Din't Think It Could Be - Three Bridges, Crouch, Andrae