Thin White Rope

CDs Thin White Rope performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (16)

2002 - In the Spanish Cave

2001 - Sack Full of SilverPlus

Genres: Alternative Rock, Rock
1998 - The Ruby Sea Squatter's Rights

Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
1998 - In the Spanish Cave//Red Sun

1997 - Exploring the Axis

1997 - Exploring the Axis Bottom Feeders

1996 - When Worlds Collide

1995 - Red Sun

1995 - Spoor

1994 - When Worlds Collide

1993 - Moonhead
1993 - One That Got Away
1993 - Ruby Sea
1993 - One That Got Away
1992 - Sack Full of Silver
1990 - Moonhead

CDs Thin White Rope helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2001 - One That Got Away

Genres: Alternative Rock, Rock
1990 - If 6 Was 9 Tribute to Hendrix

Genres: Special Interest, Pop