The Orb

CDs The Orb performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (17)

2018 - No Sounds Are Out of Bounds

Genre: Dance & Electronic
2012 - The Orbserver In The Star House (Feat. Lee Scratch Perry)

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Pop
2008 - Pomme-Fritz

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Pop
2008 - Complete BBC Sessions

2007 - Okie Dokie It the Orb on Kompakt Disco

2006 - Living in a Giant Candle Winking at God

2004 - Bicycles and Tricycles

2002 - Bless You

2001 - I Love Serge Electronicagainsbourg

2000 - Randall Hopkirk The Soundtrack (Deceased)

1996 - Auntie Aubrey's Excursions (2 CD Set W/ Book)
1994 - Volume 1 (September, 1991)
1994 - Anthology Vol 2
1991 - Little Fluffy Clouds (6 track US remix EP)
1991 - Perpetual Dawn / Star 6 7 8 9 EP - 5 tracks - US CD-5 maxi single (Youth & Ultrabass Remixes)
Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld
Close Encounters Of The Ultraworld (RARE)

CDs The Orb helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2020 - Abolition of The Royal Familia

Oxbow Lakes

Genre: Dance & Electronic