Tatsuro Yamashita

CDs Tatsuro Yamashita performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (20)

2006 - Niagara Triangle V1

Genre: International Music
2005 - Shiroi Umbrella

Genre: International Music
2005 - Sonorite

Genre: International Music
2005 - Sonorite

2005 - Taiyono Ekubo

2005 - Forever Mine/Midas Touch

2004 - Wasurenaide

2003 - Christmas Eve

2003 - Phoenix

2002 - For You

2002 - Ride on Time
2002 - Circus Town
2002 - Spacy
2002 - It's a Poppin Time
2002 - Go Ahead
2001 - Moonglow
2001 - On the Street Corner Vol 1
2001 - On the Street Corner V2
2000 - On the Street Corner Vol 3
1998 - Cozy