Sylvia Capova

CDs Sylvia Capova performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2003 - Classical Treasures Classics From Movies

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
Famous Masterpieces from the Great Masters

CDs Sylvia Capova helped create...

Currently Available CDs (12)

2004 - 25 Piano Favorites

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical
2000 - Beethoven Piano Sonatas 8 14 23

Genre: Classical
1999 - The Best of Romantic Piano

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical
1999 - The Best of Classical Piano Favorites

1994 - Piano Masterpieces

1994 - Ravel The Greatest Hits/Debussy

1994 - Mozart The Greatest Hits

1994 - Beethoven The Greatest Hits

1993 - The Very Best of Chopin

1993 - The Very Best of Romantic Piano

1993 - Very Best Of Mozart
Romanti Piano Music Vol1 and Vol 2

Currently Unavailable CDs (32)

2009 - BLISS Christopher Columbus / Seven Waves Away

Genres: Soundtracks, Classical
2008 - The Only Chopin Album You Will Ever Need

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical
2004 - Piano Masterpieces

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical
2004 - Chill with Chopin

2004 - The Best of Beethoven Vol 2

2004 - Classical Piano

2004 - Beethoven Ode an der Freude from Symphony No 9 Egmont Overture

2004 - Chopin Minute Waltz Other Works

2003 - Romantic Piano Favorites

2002 - Romantic Piano Music (Box Set)

2002 - Romantic Piano Music Vol 3
2002 - Romantic Piano Music Vol 2
2002 - Romantic Piano Music Vol 1
2001 - The Best of Chopin
2001 - Beethoven for Children
2001 - The Best Piano Music
1999 - Classics For Kids Mozart And Babies
1999 - Classics For Kids Beethoven And Babies
1997 - Beethoven Piano Sonatas Nos 17 Tempest 24 Appassionato 26 Les adieux
1996 - Piano Sonatas
1996 - The Best Of Beethoven
1996 - Classics by Starlight
1995 - Curzon Spanish Suite Robin Hood etc
1995 - What Does a Deaf Guy Hear
1995 - Die Konzerte Einfhrung von Dr Udo Unger mis 29 Musikbeispielen
1994 - Binge British Light Music
1994 - Classical Masterpieces
1994 - Glazunov Piano Music Vol 4
1994 - Chopin The Greatest Hits
Excelsior Classic Moods Volume Two
Tchaikovsky Great Symphonies
Great Piano Moments Vol 2 4 DISC BOX SET