| Handel, Hunt, Mcgegan Susanna (Highlights) Genre: Classical
Track Listings (16) - Disc #1- How Long, Oh Lord, Shall Israel Groan? - U.C. Berkeley Chm Chor/Philip Brett
- When Thou Art Nigh - Drew Minter/Lorraine Hunt
- Peace Crown'd With Roses - U.C. Berkeley Chm Chor/Philip Brett
- The Parent Bird In Search Of Food - Drew Minter
- What Means/Bending To The Throne Of Glory - Lorraine Hunt
- Ye Verdant Hills, Ye Balmy Vales - Jeffrey Thomas
- The Oak That For A Thousand Years - David Thomas
- Righteous Heav'n Beholds Their Guile - U.C. Berkeley Chm Chor/Philip Brett
- Crystal Streams In Murmurs Flowing - Lorraine Hunt
- Deceitful Wolves!/Away, Away! - U.C. Berkeley Chm Chor/Philip Brett
- If Guiltless Blood Be Your Intent - Lorraine Hunt
- Chastity, Thou Cherub Bright - Jill Feldman
- Raise Your Voice To Sounds Of Joy/Bless'd Be The Day That Gave Susanna Birth! - U.C. Berkeley Chm Chor/Philip Brett
- Guilt Trembling Spoke My Doom - Lorraine Hunt
- To My Chaste Susanna's Praise - Drew Minter/Lorraine Hunt
- A Virtuous Wife Shall Soften Fortune's Frown - U.C. Berkeley Chm Chor/Philip Brett