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Results: Echoes from South

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Title: Rough Guide To South African Jazz
Artist: Rough Guide To South African Jazz
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Echoes from the Underground
Artist: Vertical Horizon
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: That'll Flat Git It! Vol. 19: Rockabilly From The Vaults Of 'D' & Dart Records
Artist: Richard Moreland, Johnny and the Jammers, Doug Stanford
Original Release Date: 1/1/2000
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Sounds of the Circus - Volume 26
Artist: South Shore Circus Concert Band
Original Release Date: 1/25/2004
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Woodwind Echoes
Artist: Crescent Duo;Eclectic Trio;Eclectic Trio w/Andrew Spencer
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: 2131 South Michigan Avenue: 60's Garage And Psychedelia From USA And Destination Record
Artist: Various Artists
Original Release Date: 1/1/2009
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: I Heard the Angels Singing: Electrifying Black Gospel from The Nashboro Label 1951-1983
Artist: Various Artists
SwapaCD Credits: 4

Title: Great Strauss Waltzes / Echoes of Italy
Artist: Tony Renis, Ruggero Leoncavallo, Luigi Denza
Original Release Date: 1/1/2008
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Echoes of the Universe
Artist: Red Leaf Takoja
SwapaCD Credits: 1

Title: Art From Sacred Landscapes
Artist: Inkuyo
SwapaCD Credits: 1

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