"Joseph Keilberth is rapidly becoming one of my favorite conductors. He does not waste time and his fast sections really rock. This is the most FUN recording of this opera I've heard so far.Erika Koth (Sophie) is just adorable. Hertha Topper (Octavian) is in good voice and she plays well without overacting. Kurt Bohme is perfectly cast as the boorish grunting Ochs. And Fritz Wunderlich has a sweet cameo appearance as the italian singer. Gerhard Stolze and Brigitte Fassbaender also cameo well as Valzacchi and Annina.The weak point in the cast is Claire Watson as the Feldmarschallin--weak, that is, in the monologue at the end of act I and in other set pieces, but she's terrific in the conversational parts."