| Stiff Little Fingers Tin Soldiers Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (16) - Disc #1- Long Way to Paradise
- Stand up and Shout
- The Cosh
- Silver Lining [Unplugged Version]
- Wasted Life [Unplugged Version]
- Listen [Unplugged Version] - Stiff Little Fingers, Stiff Little Finger
- Johnny Was [Live] - Stiff Little Fingers, Marley, Bob
- Nobody's Hero [Live]
- No Surrender [Live]
- Fly the Flag [Live]
- Gotta Gettaway [Live]
- Tin Soldiers [Live] - Stiff Little Fingers, Ogilvie, Gordon
- Suspect Device [Live] - Stiff Little Fingers, Ogilvie, Gordon
- Beirut Moon [Live]
- Each Dollar a Bullet [Live]
- Alternative Ulster [Live]