| Steve Lieberman Desert Fever Brigade Genre: International Music
Track Listings (22) - Disc #1- MP3 Star
- Hippy in the Legion of Skin-Heads
- Desert Fever Brigade
- Fear Your Heat-Shield!!
- Retriever Fever/Shelter-Pup
- Pokey Admin
- Bop Gun
- Bass Man on Steroids
- Spam-A-Rama
- Popularitaskala
- All Along The ((Bleak)) Soundscape
- Jewish Riot (Acoustic)
- Hippies Love Their Children, Too
- Crash My Speed-Ball Train
- Madman With a Flute
- I Heard It in The ((Bass)) Line
- At the Open Mic
- Rachel Weeps for Her Children
- Do the Primate (Bop Bop Grind!!)
- Annihilate The ((Bass))!!!
- And the Genre Police Never Sleep (Ian Anderson's Shot-Gun Bar Mitzvah)
- Treblinka Liberated-Mir'yam [Edit #2]