Currently Available CDs (7) | Currently Unavailable CDs (56)2007 - Art of the Guitar 2007 - David Russell Art of the Guitar 2007 - Jubilation 2007 - Romance de Amor 2006 - Lullabies and Forbidden Games 2006 - HGTV Quiet Places 2006 - HGTV The Art of Living (Box Set) 2006 - 100 Best Film Classics 2006 - A Time for Us 2006 - Changing the Guard Great Military Band Music 2005 - Sitting Target (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 2005 - Audiophile Reference IV 2005 - Musiques Classiques pour le Cinma 2005 - The Essential Collection 2005 - Breathe The Relaxing Guitar 2005 - Pure Cinema Classics 2004 - Guitar Adagios 2004 - The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays the Movies 2 2003 - A Time for Us 2003 - Bedroom Adagios 2003 - Summer 2003 - The Very Best of Relaxing Classics 2003 - The Very Best of Relaxing Classics 2003 - Romance Passion 2003 - For a Quiet Evening 2002 - The Classics at the Movies War 2001 - Stanley Myers Deer Hunter Other Themes 2001 - Nylon Steel 2000 - Films of the Century (Filmscore Anthology) 2000 - Piano in Hollywood The Classic Movie Concertos 2000 - Signatures 2000 - Cavatina 1999 - Guitar Meditations 1999 - Histoire d'O/Histoire d'O n2 1997 - Guitar Favorites Norbert Kraft 1997 - John Williams Plays the Movies 1996 - The Deer Hunter Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 1996 - Theme from Jurassic Park Other Great Film Themes 1995 - Bartok Granados Grainger and others (Virtuoze Miniaturen) 1995 - Be Joyful Rejoice 1994 - Favorite Guitar Music 1994 - Mad About Mad About 1994 - Trusting Beatrice Cold Heaven 1993 - Mad About Guitars 1990 - A Touch of Class Popular Classics Transcribed for Guitar 1990 - Deer Hunter Original Motion Picture Soundtrack