Currently Available CDs (2) | Currently Unavailable CDs (32)2005 - Sister Jack 2005 - Gimme Fiction 2004 - Live Maxwells 11/19/01 2003 - Way We Get By 2003 - Way We Get By 2002 - Kill the Moonlight 2002 - A Series of Sneaks (US Bonus Tracks) 2002 - Everything Hits at Once 2001 - Girls Can Tell 2000 - Love Ways 2000 - Agony of Lafitte 1999 - A Series of Sneaks 1999 - A Series of Sneaks 1998 - Do ME BabyAustin Does Prince 1998 - A Series of Sneaks 1997 - Solarplexus 1997 - Soft Effects 1996 - Telephono 1993 - Holding Flowers A Series of Sneaks MTV U YEAR IN YOUR EAR MUSIC CD SAMPLER 2005 Stuck On AM 4 (Live Performances From Radio K)