| Speers Through All the Years Genres: Pop, Christian & Gospel, Gospel
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- Some Glad Day Afterwhile - Speers, Ramsey, Will M.
- Blessed Assurance - Speers, Crosby, Fanny J.
- Through All These Years - Speers, Bunnelle, Danny
- He's Still in the Fire - Speers, Hill, Tim [Gospel]
- Heaven's Jubilee - Speers, Speer, G.T. "Dad"
- A Good Time Was Had by All - Speers, Ready, Bill
- I Never Shall Forget the Day - Speers, Speer, Ben
- Come, Let Us Break Bread - Speers, Ford, Mark [Gospel]
- This Is the Day - Speers, Harmon, Nancy
- Morning Light - Speers, Parsons, Squire