Very dissappointed - good music, but NO Celine Dion singing
(2 out of 5 stars)
"CD is very misleading, since one expects to hear Celine Dion singing most of her hits. The music is OK, but not what I had hoped for or expected. Now I know why there was no audio sound available."
Very disappointing
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I Thought I was listening to something more like a "Kenny G", CD. I like his music, but "Celine" is what I wanted to hear. The titleleads one to believe Celine will be performing, but it's 99.9% instrmental and this makes me very leary about purchasing another CD I have not already heard. I love her voice, but that's not what I got."
It's a big disappointment.
(1 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, more than half the songs are instrumental and of course it's not Celine Dion that sings the rest of them. The voice on the CD does not compare at all to that of the real Diva. This entire CD is simply a very bad immitation. Fans of Celine probably will not appreciate this CD. Overall, the name "Celine Dion" is used to sell this CD. Celine's songs are present, but it's not Celine that sings them. I am very very disappointed."
Only one disappointment for a wedding present...
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I purchased this CD to be used for my wedding along with a vocalist and when we were ready to go over with the song "Because you loved me" It has someone singing the song. SO MUCH FOR JUST MUSIC."