Currently Available CDs (1) | Currently Unavailable CDs (72)2008 - Juno 2007 - Goo 2007 - Daydream Nation (Deluxe Edition) 2006 - Destroyed Room B-Sides Rarities 2006 - Rather Ripped 2006 - Rather Ripped 2006 - Rather Ripped 2006 - Rather Ripped 2006 - From The Kitchen Archives No 3 - Amplified New Music Meets Rock 1981-1986 2006 - Sonic Youth 2005 - Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui 2005 - Dirty 2005 - Goo 2004 - Goo 2004 - Sonic Nurse 2004 - Nurse 2004 - Sonic Nurse 2003 - Dirty 2003 - Dirty (Deluxe Edition) 2002 - In the Fishtank 9 2002 - Dirty 2002 - Murray Street 2002 - Murray Street 2000 - TV Shit 2000 - NYC Ghosts Flowers 1999 - SYR 4 Goodbye 20th Century 1999 - Sonic Death 1998 - Hold That Tiger 1998 - Silver Session 1998 - A Thousand Leaves 1998 - Invito Al Cielo 1998 - Dirty 1997 - SYR 2 Slaapkamers Met Slagroom 1997 - SYR 1 Anagrama 1996 - Washing Machine Bonus Ep 2cd 1996 - Goo (MFSL Audiophile Original Master Recording) 1996 - Live in Texas 1995 - Washing Machine 1995 - Screaming Fields of Sonic Love 1995 - Bad Moon Rising 1995 - Confusion Is Sex 1995 - Made In USA Music From the Original 1986 Motion Picture Soundtrack 1994 - Sister 1994 - Evol 1994 - Experimental Jet Set Trash No Star 1994 - Volume 9 (March, 1994) 1993 - Daydream Nation 1993 - Goo Fan Club Demos / Fanzine / Buttons 1993 - Sugar Kane 1992 - Dirty 1992 - Dirty 1992 - 100 / Genetic / Hendrix 1991 - Confusion Is Sex 1991 - Disappear 1991 - Dirty Boots 1991 - Starpower 1990 - Disappearer 2 More (2 mixes) 1990 - Sonic Youth 1990 - Sonic Death 1990 - Goo 1989 - Mini Plot Goo