| Songs to Break God's Heart Songs to Break God's Heart Genres: Alternative Rock, Special Interest, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- Friend [Exclusive Mix] - Nicol, Stuart
- Little Brown Chevette [Exclusive Track] - Hayman, Darren
- To Be (Done) [Exclusive Track]
- Otro Triste Final [Exclusive Track] - Aroah
- They Don't Know [Exclusive Track] - Maccoll, Kirsty
- La Haine
- Whatever You Do [Exclusive Track] - Shaw, Matt [3]
- Dancing Song [Exclusive Track]
- Eh Mono! [Demo Version]
- Watery For... [#][Demo Version] - Hayman, Darren
- Lost [Exclusive Track][Version]
- Brian the Vampire [Rave Mix]
- Brother [Exclusive Track]
- Without Revelation There Is No Love [Exclusive Track] - Anderson, Michael
- El Sótano [Demo Version] - Fernandez, Raül
- Hiroshima Mon Amour [Exclusive Cover]
- Lux Perpetua [Exclusive Track]
- Mr. Gesus [Exclusive Track]
- Throw Silver [Exclusive Live Version][Live][#]