| Slask Slask Genre: International Music
Track Listings (23) - Disc #1- Piesn O Wisle (The Song About the Vistula)
- Jeszcze Jeden Mazur (One More Mazur)
- Szla Dzieweczka (A Young Girl Was Walking)
- Dziobka Dej (Kiss Me)
- Byla Babulenka (There Was an Old Woman)
- Pasaia Wolki (She Herded Her Oxen)
- Usnij Mi, Usnij (Sleep, Do Sleep)
- Karlik (Carl)
- Od Siewierza (From Siewierz)
- Rzemieniorz (The Strap-Maker)
- Starzyk (The Old Miner)
- Zalotnice I Swat (The Young Girls and the Match-Maker)
- Laweczka (The Little Bench)
- Nie Chodz Do Miasteczka (Don't Go to Town)
- Piekla Baba Chleb (A Women Was Baking Bread)
- Ondraszek (Song of Higlands Robber)
- Helokanie (Halloing)
- Karolinka (Caroline)
- Trojak (A Silesian Dance)
- Jasiu, Czemu Nie Orzesz (Why Don't You Plough Johnny?)
- Gdybym to Ja Miala (If I Had Wings)
- Pod Moim Okienkiem (Under My Window)
- Porebok (The Woodcutter's Song)