| Singer Pur Willaert: Musica Nova- The Petrarca Madrigals Genre: Classical
Track Listings (12) - Disc #1- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Quando fra l'altre donne (Canzon. 13)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Io mi rivolgo (Canzon. 15)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Quest' anima gentil (Canzon. 31)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: I begli occhi (Canzon. 75)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Occhi piangete, accompagnate il core (Canzon. 84)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Io amai sempre (Canzon. 85)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Amor, Fortuna (Canzon. 124)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Che fai alma? che pensi? (Canzon. 150)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: I vidi in terra (Canzon. 156)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Ove ch'i posi gli occhi (Canzon. 158)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: In qual parte del ciel (Canzon. 159)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Pien d'un vago pensier (Canzon. 169)
Track Listings (13) - Disc #2- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Pi? volte gi? (Canzon. 170)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Giunto m'ha Amor (Canzon. 171)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: O invidia (Canzon. 172)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Passa la nave mia (Canzon. 189)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Lasso, ch'i ardo (Canzon. 203)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Onde tolse Amor l'oro (Canzon. 220)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Liete e pensose (Canzon. 222)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Cantai: hor piango (Canzon. 229)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: I piansi, hor canto (Canzon. 230)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Aspro core (Canzon. 265)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Mentre che'l chor (Canzon. 304)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: L'aura mia sacra (Canzon. 356)
- Musica Nova (52), collection of motets (27) and madrigals (25) for 4-7 voices: Quando nascesti, Amor