Simon Carrington

CDs Simon Carrington performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2005 - Biber Vesperae Longiores Ac Breviores (1693)

Genre: Classical
1989 - The King's Singers' Madrigal History Tour

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists

CDs Simon Carrington helped create...

Currently Available CDs (2)

1994 - Renaissance The Music of Josquin Desprez

Genres: Pop, Classical
1993 - Chanson d'Amour

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Rock, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists

Currently Unavailable CDs (6)

2017 - Gold

Genre: Classical
2009 - Tavener Canciones Espaolas Requiem for Father Malachy

Genres: Pop, Classical
2008 - Best of The King's Singers (Box Set)

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Classical
2008 - Bach St John Passion 1725 Version

2004 - John Rutter Three Musical Fables

1994 - The King's Singers Original Debut Recording