Shlomo Carlebach

CDs Shlomo Carlebach performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2009 - Songs of Peace

Genres: Folk, International Music, Pop
2008 - Shlomo Dance

Genre: Folk
2008 - At Festival Arad

Genre: Folk
2008 - In Concert With Ayn Sapheq

2004 - Sing My Heart

2003 - L'Kovod Shabbos

2002 - Haneshama Lach

2002 - Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Sings

1998 - Best of Shlomo Carlebach

1998 - Live in Tel Aviv

1996 - In Concert
1996 - Lives
1995 - At the Village Gate
1995 - In the Palace of the King