
CDs Schwarz performed on...

Currently Available CDs (4)

1998 - Delos Double

Genre: Classical
1995 - Concertos 5 6

Genre: Classical
1993 - Hovhaness Symphony Nos 22 City of Light Symphony 50 Mount St Helens Symphony

Genre: Classical
1992 - Ein Heldenleben / Macbeth / Serenade

Currently Unavailable CDs (70)

2012 - Christmas Cantatas 2

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2010 - Symphony No 4

Genre: Classical
2009 - Deus Judicium Tuum / Dixit Dominus

Genre: Classical
2009 - Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate a Cinque Quattro

2009 - Schubert Lieder Edition 33 Part Songs Vol 2

2009 - Taylor Peter Ibbetson

2009 - Sheng The Phoenix

2009 - Samuel Jones Symphony No 3 'Palo Duro Canyon' Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra

2009 - Mahler Symphony No 6 In A Minor

2008 - Italian Cantatas

2007 - Heavengazers
2005 - Musically Speaking/Seattle Symphony
2004 - Berlinski Avodat Shabbat / Schwarz (Milken Archive of American Jewish Music)
2004 - Bruce Adolphe Ladino Songs of Love and Suffering / Mikhoels the Wise / Out of the Whirlwind (Milken Archive of American Jewish Music)
2003 - Naumann Zeit und Ewigkeit
2002 - Great American Composers Collection
2001 - La Mer / 3 Nocturnes / Children's Corner Suite
2001 - Cello Concerto Op 85 / Cello Concerto Op 104
2000 - Das Lied / 11th Symphony
2000 - Christmas Oratorio
2000 - Music of Elizabeth Bell
2000 - Ouvertures Quient Trout
1999 - Harmonischer Gottesdienst
1999 - Brandenburg Concertos 5 6
1999 - Constellations / Polarities
1998 - Music of Howard Hanson 2
1998 - Die Heimkehr Aus Der Fremde Op 89
1997 - Collection
1995 - Music of Morton Gould
1995 - Concertos 1-4
1995 - Piano Concerto
1995 - Symphony 5
1995 - Orchestral Works
1995 - Schumann Edition
1994 - Lobgesang
1994 - Suite From Tom / Symphony 8
1994 - Incredible Flutist
1994 - Choreographic Suite
1994 - America
1993 - Clarinet Concerti 1-3
1993 - Weber - Spohr - Crusell Clarinet Concertos / Emma Johnson
1993 - Sonatas for Flute Continuo
1993 - David Diamond Symphony No 1 Violin Concerto No 2 The Enormous Room (Volume III)
1993 - Lieder
1992 - Daphnis Et Chloe
1992 - Miraculous Mandarin Suite / Hary Janos
1992 - Acis Galatea
1992 - Great Works I
1992 - Symphonies 1 2 / Elegie
1992 - Stravinsky The Firebird and Song Of The Nightingale
1992 - Romeo Juliet / Pushkin Waltz 2
1992 - Symphony 1
1992 - Wagner 2 The Flying Dutchman Parsifal Lohengrin
1992 - Symphony for Strings / New England Triptych
1992 - Richard Strauss Josephslegende Suite/Symphonia Domestica
1992 - Symphonies 2 4 / Cto for Small Orchestra
1992 - Holberg Suite
1992 - Petrouchka
1992 - Piston Symphony 4 / Three New England Sketches
1992 - Concerto for Orchestra
1992 - Serenade 1
1992 - String Quartet
1992 - Serenade 3
1992 - Symphonic Bach
1992 - Rosenkavalier Waltzes / Frau Ohne Schatten Suite
1992 - Also Sprach Zarathustra / Intermezzo / Salome Danc
1992 - White Peacock
1992 - American Music for Strings
Discografia Completa
Marais Fantasie Hampestre Pieces En Trio

CDs Schwarz helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2012 - Wagner Orchestral Exceprts Vol 2

Currently Unavailable CDs (7)

2009 - William Schuman Symphony No 6 Prayer In Time

Genre: Classical
2009 - Schoenfield Camp Songs Ghetto Songs - Schwarz Rudolf and Jeanette

Genre: Classical
2008 - Mahler Symphony No 7 in E minor

Genre: Classical
2008 - Bach Cantatas With Violincello Piccolo

2008 - Heggie For a Look or a Touch

2007 - Humperdinck Konigskinder

2006 - Helge Rosvaenge und die leichte Muse