| Schola Cantorum Song of Angels Genres: Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- Tibi Christe, plainchant hymn in mode 2 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Maurus, Rhabanus
- O Angele Dei, motet - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Colebault, Jacques
- Terribilis est, plainchant responsory in mode I - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,
- Duo seraphim clamabant, motet for 4 voices - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, DeVictoria, Tomas L
- Dixit autem Maria, antiphon in mode 3 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,
- Hymno dell'Arcangelo Raffaelo - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Verdelot, Philippe
- Ingressus est Raphael, antiphon in mode 7 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,
- No 7, Sankt Raphael - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,
- In viam, antiphon in mode 7 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,
- Angelus Domini descendit, responsory in mode 3 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,
- Exultando in leso Cristo, Lauda - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Laudarino, Forence
- Stetit angelus, antiphon in mode 1 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,
- Bell Peal - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Nicholson, Paul [Ha
- Stetit Angelus II, offertory antiphon - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Zelinski, Mikolaj
- Benedicte omnes Angeli, antiphon in mode 3 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Webber, Andrew Lloy
- No 12, Wir stehen h - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, VonSpee, Friedrich
- Ad celebras, sequence in mode 8 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Gradual, Sarum
- Angelis suis mandavit, motet - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop, Lucario, Giovanni G
- In paradisum, antiphon in modes 7 & 8 - Schola Cantorum of Saint Peter's in the Loop,