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Samuel Scheidt
CDs Samuel Scheidt performed on...
Currently Available CDs (1)
1991 -
Andante Vol 2 Chamber Classics
New Age, Pop, Classical
Currently Unavailable CDs (4)
2001 -
Sumi Jo - The Christmas Album
Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1998 -
Famous European Organs Tangermnde - Dietrich Kollmannsperger
(Scherer Organ)
1994 -
Jazz, Special Interest, Classical
1992 -
Soundscapes Vol 1 A Delos Digital Compact Disc Sampler
CDs Samuel Scheidt helped create...
Currently Available CDs (4)
2008 -
Medieval and Renaissance Minstrels Songs Dances
Dance & Electronic, Folk, International Music, Special Interest, Classical
1995 -
Sing We Christmas
Special Interest, Classical
1990 -
Brother Sun Sister Moon
Jazz, Pop, Classical
1987 -
A Christmas Concert
(Ein Weihnachtskonzert)
Currently Unavailable CDs (109)
2018 -
Bach Collegium Japan A Christmas Greeting
Opera & Classical Vocal
2010 -
Go For Baroque - The Canadian Brass
Special Interest, Classical
2010 -
Amazing Brass
Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 -
A Cheerful Noise Songs and Dances of Medieval Renaissance Times
2009 -
Angels Shepherds 17th Century Christmas
2008 -
Classical Christmas
2008 -
Symphony for the Season
2008 -
Music from the Dresden Court Chapel
2008 -
International Holiday Collection
2008 -
Season of Love
2008 -
Christmas Carols
2008 -
Music Of Renaissance Baroque
2008 -
Samuel Scheidt Tabulatura nova Vol 2
2008 -
Consort Music Airs for the Flute
2008 -
Baroque in Blue Crossover Between Early Music
2008 -
2007 -
Souls Reflections
2007 -
Baroque Brass Saint Louis Brass Quintet
2007 -
For Unto Us a Child Is Born
2007 -
Samuel Scheidt Concertuum Sacrorum
2007 -
Sonderlich auff Violen Musiques des XVIIe et XVIIe sicles pour les violes de gambe
2007 -
Samuel Scheidt The Great Sacred Concertos
2007 -
Amazing Brass
2007 -
Les Orgues Historiques
(Historic Organs)
2006 -
Samuel Scheidt Ludi Musici
2006 -
Easter on Fifth Avenue
2006 -
2006 -
Christmas Concert
2006 -
Ein Weihnachtskonzert
2006 -
Johann Hermann Schein / Samuel Scheidt German Consort Music of the 17th Century
2006 -
Stille Nacht heilige Nacht Festliche Musik zur Weihnacht
2006 -
Orgeln in Sachsen Vol 1
2006 -
Arp-Schnitger-Orgel Norden
2006 -
Dresdner Kreuzchor Legendary
(Box Set)
2006 -
Riverberi nello spazio e nel tempo
2005 -
Fruits de la Passion Festival Montral Baroque 2005
2005 -
Baroque Organ Music
2005 -
Trumpet Voices
2005 -
Jauchzet Dem Herren Alle Welt
2005 -
The King's Noyse dir David Douglass Royal Delight 17th Century Ballads Dances
2005 -
Samuel Scheidt Tabulatura nova
2005 -
Art of Gillian Weir 3
2005 -
A Hanseatic Festival German Renaissance Music
2005 -
Sonderlich auff Violen Musiques des XVIIe et XVIIe sicles pour les violes de gambe
2004 -
Best Loved Christmas Carols
2004 -
2004 -
The Baroque Brass Collection
2004 -
Instrumental Music of 1600
2004 -
Madrigali diminuiti e passaggiati tra voce e cembalo
2004 -
Fanfare II A Whirlwind Tour of 30 More World Famous Organs
2003 -
Christmas Concert
2003 -
Cambridge Singers Christmas Album
2003 -
Fugue Around the Clock
(Hybrid SACD)
2003 -
Fugue Around the Clock
2003 -
Music from the Royal Court
2003 -
Tanz Toccata North German Organ Music 17TH Ctry
2003 -
Le sacqueboute
2003 -
Grace Notes
2003 -
Samuel Scheidt Tabulatura Nova Vol 1
2002 -
A Musical Banquet
2002 -
Samuel Scheidt Ludi Musici Hambourg 1621
2002 -
A Choral Christmas
2002 -
Robert Bates in Recital at Lagerquist Hall
2001 -
In Dialogue Vol 1
2001 -
The Bach Circle Vol 3
2001 -
100 Heavenly Classics
2001 -
Magic of Christmas
2001 -
L'Organo in Europa From Renaisance to Baroque
2000 -
Baroque Music with Egbert Ennulat
2000 -
Intrada - Influence of Giovanni Gabrieli on German Composers / Stuttgart Brass Quintet
2000 -
Music for Christmas Season Improvisations Earl Miller
2000 -
While Angels Sing
1999 -
The Organs by Willem Hermans in Pistoia and Collescipoli - Liuwe Tamminga
1999 -
Die Himmel erzhlen die Ehre Gottes
1997 -
Empire Brass Greatest Hits
1997 -
Instruments of Middle Ages
1996 -
Splendor and the Brass Festive Music of the Baroque
1996 -
Monteverdi Vespro della beata vergine / Ledger
1996 -
Sanctus Baroque Music For The Nativity
1996 -
The Well-Tempered Horn
1996 -
Lobet ihn mit Saitenspiel - Consort Music for Christmas
1996 -
Grand Tour Music from 16th and 17th Century Italy Spain and Germany
1995 -
German Baroque Trombone Music
1995 -
Queens of the Night Bassoon Classics
1995 -
Martin Luther The Music
1995 -
Samuel Scheidt Concertus Sacri
1995 -
Baroque Organ Music Historic Organs of Bohemia Vol1 / Tuma
1995 -
Historic Organ of Cholula Mexico
1995 -
Blasermusiken der Schutz-Zeit Wind Music in Schutz' Time
1994 -
German Music for Trombones
1994 -
Praetorius - Mass for Christmas Morning
1994 -
Music for Brass Ensemble from the 16th - 18th Centuries
1994 -
Renaissance Brass Music
1994 -
The King's Delight 17th Century Ballads for Voice Violin Band - Paul O'Dette / The King's Noyse / David Douglass
1994 -
Four of a Kind Music for Trombone Quartet
1994 -
Scheidt Organ Works from Tabulatura Nova
1993 -
New Mexico Brass Quintet
1993 -
Musica Dolce From Byrds to Birds
1993 -
Music From 17th Century Germany
1993 -
Organ Works
1993 -
Due Seraphim Angel Songs for Christmas
1993 -
Clas Pehrsson
1993 -
Christmas Night Carols of the Nativity
1990 -
Canadian Brass More Greatest Hits
1990 -
Royal Brass Music from Renaissance Baroque
1984 -
Christmas Concert
Great European Organs No 49
Jordi Savall Ars Musicae
Buxtehude Moondog Co