Ruby Braff

CDs Ruby Braff performed on...

Currently Available CDs (2)

2002 - Ad Lib Blues

Genres: Jazz, Pop
1990 - Sailboat in the Moonlight

Genres: Jazz, Pop

Currently Unavailable CDs (59)

2012 - Teddi King The Storyville Sessions 1954-1955 Miss Teddi King Now in Vogue

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2011 - Our Love Is Here to Stay

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2009 - Ruby Braff Goes Girl Crazy

Genres: Jazz, Pop, Broadway & Vocalists
2009 - For the Last Time (Slim)

2007 - Hi-Fi Salute to Bunny

2005 - Controlled Nonchalance 2

2005 - You Brought a New Kind of Love

2004 - Youre Getting to Be a Habit

2004 - Little Big Horn

2003 - America the Beautiful

2003 - R R
2003 - Watch What Happens
2002 - Variety Is the Spice of Braff
2002 - I Hear Music
2002 - I'm Shooting High
2001 - Music for the Still of the Night
2000 - The Cape Codfather
2000 - Mr Braff to You
2000 - Calling Berlin 2
2000 - Duets 2
1999 - Duets 1
1999 - Linger Awhile
1999 - The Canadian Sessions
1999 - Best of Braff
1999 - Grand Reunion
1999 - Born to Play
1999 - It Had to Be Us
1999 - Sutton Ralph Quartet 2
1998 - You Can Depend on Me
1998 - Concord Jazz Heritage Series
1997 - As Time Goes By
1997 - Being With You
1996 - Inside Out
1995 - Live at Regattabar
1995 - Controlled Nonchalance at the Regattabar (Vol. I)
1995 - Calling Berlin 1
1995 - Play Nice Tunes
1994 - Two By Two Play Rodgers Hart
1994 - Cornet Chop Suey
1994 - Live at the New School
1993 - Concord Jazz Sampler
1993 - Very Sinatra
1992 - Hear Me Talkin
1992 - Manhattan Jazz
1991 - New England Song Hounds 1
1991 - Younger Than Swingtime-Music From South Pacific
1990 - First
1990 - The Ruby Braff George Barnes Quartet Plays Gershwin
1990 - This Is My Lucky Day
1990 - Salutes Rodgers and Hart
1990 - Ruby Braff - Buddy Tate With The Newport All Stars
1990 - Bravura Eloquence
1989 - Music From My Fair Lady With An Extra Bit Of Luck
1989 - Me Myself I
1988 - Hustlin Bustlin
1980 - Ruby and Woody
The Benny Goodman Yale Archives - Volume 1
After You've Gone The Classic Jazz Violin of Lenny Solomon
Ruby Braff Omnibus

CDs Ruby Braff helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

Piano Players Significant Others live Jazz In July at The 92nd Street Y

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

Excelsior Jazz Gold The Masters of Jazz Perform GershwinZoot Sims Billie Holiday Thelonious Monk