| Ronald Stein The Haunted Palace / The Premature Burial [Original Motion Picture Soundtracks] Genres: Pop, Soundtracks
Track Listings (31) - Disc #1- American International Pictures Fanfare / Ma [From the ...] - Ronald Stein, Stein, Ronald
- The Arkham [From the Haunted Palace]
- The People of Arkham / Beautiful Zombie / Evil P [From the Haunted ...]
- The Village Dusk Painting / Wheaton Creature [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Vicious Ward / Mutant Circle [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Stormy Night [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Old Warlocks [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Mysterioso [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Tomorrow Morning / Death of Wheaton [From the Haunted Palace]
- The I Promise / Find the Secret Door [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Honoring Ann [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Kerwin to the Rescue [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Finale [From the Haunted Palace]
- The Main Title [From the Premature Burial]
- The Basement Crypt [From the Premature Burial]
- The His Father's Tomb [From the Premature Burial]
- The Guy Remembers [From the Premature Burial]
- The The Dream [Part 1] [From the Premature Burial]
- The The Dream [Part 2] [From the Premature Burial]
- The Guy's Burial [From the Premature Burial]
- The The Mollie Torture [From the Premature Burial]
- The Guy's Funeral [From the Premature Burial]
- The Key to the Crypt [From the Premature Burial]
- The Guy's Choice [From the Premature Burial]
- The His Father's Vault [From the Premature Burial]
- The Three Murders [From the Premature Burial]
- The Emily Abducted [From the Premature Burial]
- The Guy's Revenge / Emily Buried [From the Premature Burial]
- The Guy Shot / Rest in Peace / Finale [From the Premature Burial]
- The Main Title (Film Version) [*]
- The Main Title (Organ) [*]