| Bongwater, Mary's Danish, X Rock for Choice Genres: Alternative Rock, Special Interest, Pop
Track Listings (29) - Disc #1- Pie in the Sky - Hill, Joe [2]
- Deep Well - Patino, Deborah
- One Million Skies - Seager, Gretchen
- Sex With the Devil - Magnuson, Ann
- She Too - Ash Own
- Me and Me - Ash Own
- Around the World the Ladies' Way - Ritter, Julie
- Family - Cervenka, Exene
- Lucky Lady - Flores, Rosie
- Ain't Nobody's Business - Grainger, Porter
- This Is My Body - Herzcog, Mary
- A Poem - Travis, Abby
- Martini Talk - Rule, Betty
- Rain Song - Brice, Lindsay
- She Lay There in Bed Sleeping - Brice, Lindsay
- Green Monkey - Laura B.
- Katomania - French, Kari
- Backwards - Judge, Sabrina
- Elephants - Judge, Sabrina
- Church Bells Ring - Patino, Deborah
- Backdoor Daddy - Duchess [1]
- Bebop - Hoffman, Larry [Lin
- Red Carnations - Kane, Candye
- Hunting - Cummings, Sue
- Confession - Panter, Nicole
- Love Potion #10 - Gehman, Pleasant
- 99¢ Store - Bell, Jula
- Art Professor - Magnuson, Ann
- Thinking Too Much