Robert Ward

CDs Robert Ward performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2004 - Love's Seasons Songs of Mary Howe and Robert Ward

Genres: Pop, Classical
2003 - Soul of the Sabbath

Genres: Folk, International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2001 - Devil's Blues

Genres: Blues, Jazz, Pop, R&B
2000 - A Brass Organ Christmas / Fenstermaker Bay Brass Krehbiel

2000 - New Role Soul

1999 - First Glimpses of Sunlight

1997 - Twiggs County Soul Man

1996 - Choral Music

1995 - Fanfare for Durham

1995 - Black Bottom

1993 - Rhythm of the People
1991 - Fear No Evil
Fear No Evil
Rhythm of the People

CDs Robert Ward helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2008 - First Symphony Bath Country Rhapsody

Genre: Classical
1995 - Hot Stuff

Genres: Blues, Pop
1994 - Portland Youth Philharmonic Music by Avshalomov Harris Ward

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical