| Richard Hartley Don Quixote: Original Soundtrack (2000 TV Film) Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks
Track Listings (38) - Disc #1- Main Title
- When Knights Roam/Rosinante
- The Story Begins
- Gints/Tilting at Windmills
- Washing the Armour
- The Cermony
- Sancho Gets Tossed
- Attacking the Monks
- Princess Rides Off
- Two Great Armies/Battle of the Sheep
- Wages
- Attach by Prisoners
- Golden Helmit
- Banquet With Dulcinea
- A Wonderful Lover
- Dapple Comes Home
- A Magnificent Performance
- The Little Children
- Arrival at Inn
- Malfatto in the Wine Cellar
- Bonfire of the Library
- The Lion Is Free
- The Letter
- Carrasco's Cure
- Arrival in Toboso
- In Search of Beauty
- Knight of the Mirrors
- Joust With Knight of Mirrors
- Down the Well
- Shell Shock
- Dinner With the Boratorios
- Journey Beyond the Stars
- Arrival at Espranzo
- The Duchess Arrives at the Joust
- The Knight of the Moon
- The Final Joust
- THW Will
- Death of Don Quixote