Raphael Boulay

CDs Raphael Boulay performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2001 - Guillaume Dufay Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini - A 15th Century Mass from the Cathedral of Cambrai /Ensemble Gilles Binchois Vellard

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2006 - La doce acordance - Chansons of the trouveres /Diabolus in Musica Guerber (12th & 13th century)

Genres: Pop, Classical
1997 - Richard Coeur de Lion Troubadours Trouvres in the Courts of Eleanor of Aquitaine Richard the Lionheart Marie de Champagne Geoffroy Duke of Brittany - Alla Francesca (Richard the Lionheart)

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs Raphael Boulay helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (6)

2008 - Karl der Khne und die burgundische Hofmusik

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - Guillaume Du Fay Mille Bonjours

Genres: Pop, Classical
2004 - Dufay Missa Se la face ay pale /Diabolus in Musica Guerber

Genre: Classical
2004 - Carmina Gallica Chansons latines du XIIe sicle

2003 - Carmina Gallica Chansons latines du XIIe sicle

1998 - Vox Sonora Conductus of the Notre Dame School