Ransom Wilson

CDs Ransom Wilson performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (5)

2008 - Soldier's Tale (Chinese)

Genre: Classical
2005 - Adams Grand Pianola Music

Genres: Pop, Classical
1995 - Stravinsky Histoire du soldat - The Soldier's Tale for 3 Actors and Instrumental Ensemble

Genre: Classical
1993 - Nielsen Quintet Leoffler Two Rhapsodies Prokofiev Quintet

1982 - Reich Glass Becker

CDs Ransom Wilson helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1990 - Mozart The Flute Concertos (K.313, 314)

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (12)

2010 - Music of Ezra Laderman Volumes 1-9

Genre: Classical
2010 - Lawrence Dillon Appendage Other Stories

Genre: Classical
2009 - Oiseau Bleu- Chansons de Massenet Delage Beydts Gounod

Genres: Pop, Classical
2009 - Walton Sitwell Faade Books I II

2008 - Music of Ezra Laderman Vol 8

2008 - John Adams Grand Pianola Music Shaker Loops Short Ride in a Fast Machine

2007 - Moving Still

1998 - Marita and Her Heart's Desire A Musical Fairy Tale

1995 - The Classical Collection

1995 - Beach Cabildo Six Short Pieces

1990 - Adams Grand Pianola Music Reich Vermont Counterpoint Eight Lines
1990 - Nancy Allen Harp Ravel Debussy