| Various Artists, Red Dragon, Buju Banton Just Ragga Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (16) - Disc #1- Live Together - Brown, E.
- Do Bogle Dance - May, A.
- Batty Rider - Germain, D.
- Wife - Stepper, J.
- G. C. T. - Simpleton
- Belly Come - Bailey, C.
- Gal a Wah So - Powerman
- Make Hay - Bailey, C.
- Chatty Chatty - Rebel, Tony
- Ah No Nu-Un - Smith, R.
- Woman Yu Nice - Brown, E.
- Matey a Talk - Brown, E.
- Gal Fi Bek - Myrie, M.
- Move You Body - Myrie, M.
- Disappear - Thomas, P.
- Open Up - Thomas, P.
Track Listings (14) - Disc #2- Gun Fanatic
- Me a Go Ride - Ballantine, Dave
- Dem a Tan - Thopson, T.
- Eye Nuh See - Browne, C.
- Mi Did Have It
- Batty Rider a Kill Man
- Pum Pum Shorts - Browne, C.
- Good Love - Bailey
- Dip Him - Burrell, P.
- Bust Wey - Browne, C.
- Life Fi Live
- Who She
- Kebba You Mouth
- All Fruits Ripe - Grandsion, N.
Track Listings (14) - Disc #3- Boom Bye Bye - Ninja Kid
- Step Aside - Ford, Ninja
- Clap Dance - May, A.
- Miss. Kill & Bury - Browne, C.
- Protein, Vitamin & Mineral - Jackson, P.
- Tickie - Stewart, S. [1]
- Butterfly - Bailey, G.
- Action - Kelly, D.
- Broke Wine Butterfly - Kelly, D.
- Hands on Lover - Lovindeer, Lloyd
- Don't Touch the Coke - Browne, E.
- Racists - Bent, C.
- No Retreat - Campbell, Cecil
- Diseases - Major Mackerel
Track Listings (14) - Disc #4- Wicked Dickie - Myrie, M.
- Position - Campbell
- Cock Up and Ride - James, Lloyd
- Yu Body Good - May, A.
- Sound Boy Killing - Williams, Garth
- Mr. Want All Leroy Smart - Smart, L.
- Chat Dem a Chat - Culture, L.
- Murder Weapon - Minott, E.
- Fat and Buff - Brown, E.
- Operation Ardent - Myrie, M.
- With Compliments - Galaxy
- Drop It Cool - Campbell, C.
- A Gal Grudge Yuh - P., Johnny
- Gully Rider - Screw, D.