Make Me an Instrument - A Ragamuffin Band, Elias, Rick
Nothing You Don't Know - A Ragamuffin Band, Robertson, Mark [1]
Brother Sun, Sister Moon - A Ragamuffin Band, Abegg, Jimmy
Faith, Hope, Love - A Ragamuffin Band, Abegg, Jimmy
Help Thou My Unbelief - A Ragamuffin Band, Elias, Rick
My Heart Already Knows - A Ragamuffin Band, Elias, Rick
Bouncing off the Ceiling - A Ragamuffin Band, Robertson, Mark [1]
God Grant Me Tears - A Ragamuffin Band, Elias, Rick
Shout - A Ragamuffin Band, Smith, Aaron [1]
We'll Be Together Again - A Ragamuffin Band, Abegg, Jimmy
This CD marks a new beginning for A Ragamuffin Band. After paying tribute to the late Rich Mullins with The Jesus Record, these four musical journeymen have once again taken up a creative venture. This time, with the inten... more »t to find their identity as an autonomous band, they have recorded a project of their own design. Several years of touring and recording with Mullins have left a recognizable imprint in their music, but lead singer and producer Rick Elias brings his own distinctive persona to the proceedings. At times, there is an earthiness to this CD that surfaces through a prayerful honesty about the human condition. In other moments, the songs become an exploration of the well-known prayers of the saints. This discourse on communicating with God contains several guitar-driven tracks that will cause you to move with the music, but the energy lifts up the message rather than detracts from it. The use of strings and piano, and the occasional inclusion of harmonica, accordion, organ, and chimes, ensure that every song carries a fresh musical expression to match this project's reflective nature. Although the word "ragamuffin" describes one who is disordered and unkempt, it must be said that these Ragamuffins have presented a collection of songs that is splendidly orchestrated and mindfully adorned. --Israel Button« less
This CD marks a new beginning for A Ragamuffin Band. After paying tribute to the late Rich Mullins with The Jesus Record, these four musical journeymen have once again taken up a creative venture. This time, with the intent to find their identity as an autonomous band, they have recorded a project of their own design. Several years of touring and recording with Mullins have left a recognizable imprint in their music, but lead singer and producer Rick Elias brings his own distinctive persona to the proceedings. At times, there is an earthiness to this CD that surfaces through a prayerful honesty about the human condition. In other moments, the songs become an exploration of the well-known prayers of the saints. This discourse on communicating with God contains several guitar-driven tracks that will cause you to move with the music, but the energy lifts up the message rather than detracts from it. The use of strings and piano, and the occasional inclusion of harmonica, accordion, organ, and chimes, ensure that every song carries a fresh musical expression to match this project's reflective nature. Although the word "ragamuffin" describes one who is disordered and unkempt, it must be said that these Ragamuffins have presented a collection of songs that is splendidly orchestrated and mindfully adorned. --Israel Button
"When Rich Mullins requested that his beloved band record an album on their own, his band didn't know that he would soon pass away after these words. After the remarakble success of 1998's "The Jesus Record" the Ragamuffin's have made one of the most complete and best efforts I have ever heard. I can't think of another album that's focus is on prayer. Every song is gripping and dripping with depth. Check out "My Heart Already Knows" co-written by Rich himself!"
Honest Reflections on the Faith
Chris Findley | Goodlettsville, TN | 01/19/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Ragamuffins have done it again. If you want glitzy, pop, feel good, fuzzy Christian platitude music, then don't buy this record.But if you struggle, if you ache for the Lord, and long to hear His voice...then you'll identify with this record. The lyrics are honest and real, a refreshing break from what most of Nashville is turning out. This is a wonderful album lyrically and musically. It seamlessly flows from "The Jesus Record". While the "Jesus Record" focused on the person of Christ, this record discusses our relationship with Him and the struggles we face in our day to day lives. Few albums and artists are so honest. It's great.PS. Check out any book by Brennan Manning (ie The Ragamuffin Gospel, The Signature of Jesus, Abba's Child)"
Mollie Taylor | Alabama | 03/28/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love "Make me an Instrument." The Ragamuffins' use of the words of St. Patrick and St. Francis of Assisi is great. The song's real passion is moving. The first time I heard the CD, I fell in love with "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" and "Faith, Hope, and Love." "Faith, Hope, and Love" is about relying on God, not on the world. "Bouncing off the Ceiling" is an upbeat song about how we sometimes feel that God does not hear our prayers. "Help Thou My Unbelief" is a cry to God. My favorite words in the song are "yet as Thomas, no, Judas, it's You i denied / still You loved me." In this album, the Ragamuffins carry on in the wonderful legacy of Rich Mullins."
Matt Libby | Bend, Oregon, USA | 02/02/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was shocked when I first listened to this CD. Before this album came out I was really not a Ragamuffin fan. However as soon as I listened to the CD I loved it! All it took was the track "Make me an instrument" to convert me to a Ragamuffin fan! What a prayer! It isn't cute, nor is he trying to be funny or even ryme, but the lead singer is praying from his heart, a prayer I myself have many times uttered, though never in so elegant of a form. Definately 5 stars, if you aren't moved by it than your heart must be a rock."