| Raffi Rise and Shine [Blister] Genres: Folk, Pop, Children's Music
Track Listings (17) - Disc #1- Rise and Shine - Raffi, Raffi
- Walk, Walk, Walk - Raffi, Raffi
- Thumbelina - Raffi, Loesser, Frank
- Wheels on the Bus
- Daniel
- Five Little Ducks
- He's Got the Whole World
- Big Beautiful Planet - Raffi, Raffi
- I'm in the Mood - Raffi, Raffi
- Something in My Shoe - Raffi, Simmons, Al
- Michaud
- Nursery Rhymer Instrumental
- T?te, Epaules...
- Let's Do the Numbers Rumba - Raffi, Walden, David
- Ducks Like Rain - Raffi, Henri, Franciscus
- Row, Row, Row
- This Little Light of Mine