Search - Queensryche :: Rage for Order

Rage for Order
Rage for Order
Genres: Pop, Rock, Classic Rock, Metal
  •  Track Listings (15) - Disc #1


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CD Details

All Artists: Queensryche
Title: Rage for Order
Members Wishing: 6
Total Copies: 0
Label: Capitol
Original Release Date: 1/1/1986
Re-Release Date: 5/6/2003
Album Type: Original recording remastered, Extra tracks, Special Edition
Genres: Pop, Rock, Classic Rock, Metal
Styles: Progressive, Progressive Metal, Album-Oriented Rock (AOR), Arena Rock, Hard Rock
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPC: 724358106923

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CD Reviews

Most underrated (and best) record
S. Baker | Phoenix, Arizona United States | 07/14/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)

"While I was a big fan of "Queen of the Reich", this one was an amazingly incredible suprise in the summer of 1986, when bubble-gum hair-bands were in full force. Unlike the somewhat inaccessible 'The Warning' (1984), this one combined all of the previous narrative elements of Queensryche's music in a collection of relatively short, catchy, and brilliantly-produced tunes. There was both sci-fi imagry and psychological distres right alongside edgy love songs - it was an utter crime that some of these songs were not released and promoted as singles. Quite simply, 'Rage for Order' is the perfect Queensyrche record:1. Walk in the Shadows. Short and sweet, with a dark and catchy melody and one of Geoff Tate's most amazing vocal performances EVER (matched only by their debut, "Queen of the Reich" (1983) and "Neue Regel" from this record), this is the only song that has retained a place in the live sets since 1986. (Note: A nice live version is included on this remaster.)2. I Dream in Infared. It was clear that Queensyrche made an attempt at commercializing their music with this record, and as such, many fans fault them for the introduction of love songs. Nonetheless, as with many of their love songs, this one has an edginess that keeps it real. (NOTE: There is an all acoustic version, orignally included as a b-side to a 1991 single, included with the 'Empire' remasters.)3. The Whisper. The guitar runs on this tune, along with the vocal performance, makes this one of the best and most underrated Queensryche tunes ever. (Why has this not retained a place in the live set.)4. Gonna Get Close to You. The fact that this atmospheric, psychological piece about a stalker was released as a single and sole video from the record may explain why it never took off. Still, I would hardly call it a weak song. (NOTE: The 12" version here on the remaster is not particularly interesting.)5. The Killing Words. This is another great, catchy ballad with excellent production, although the keyboard intro does sound a bit 80s.(NOTE: an updated semi-acoustic live version is included on this remaster and an MTV-unplugged version is included on the 'Hear in the Now Frontier" remaster.) That said, it is one of their best ballads and should have been released a single.6. Surgical Strike. This is the straight-ahead rocker of the record and a political statement about soldiering. That said, it is definitely the weak point and sounds a bit out of place.7. Neue Regel. This is a piece of pure power and simply one of the best vocal performances by Geoff Tate ever. Lyrically, it establishes the thematic narrative characterisit of the "second side" of the record.8. Chemical Youth. This is the musical and lyrical predecessor to "Revolution Calling" on the much-lauded, and perhaps over-appreciated, 'Operation: Mindcrime' (1988).9. London. Is this a ballad? If so, it is certainly NOT Bon Jovi, Poison, or the like. I cannot say more about Geoff Tate's vocal performances on this record - dare I say, over the top on this tune.10. Screaming in Digital. For fans of 'Operation: Mindcrime' and "NM156" from 'The Warning' left off, this wonderfully manic rocker about a cyborg is, when combined with the next tune, a concept-record within a record.11. I Will Remember. The record ends with a mellow tune that has frequently found a place in the live shows (NOTE: a version from MTV unplugged in 1991 is included on the 'Hear in the Now Frontier' remaster), which is curious considering its required connection to the previous tune ("And we wonder how machines can steal each other's dreams")."
My favorite QR album. A good dose of intelligent cyber metal
M. B. Link | USA | 11/09/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Rage For Order(1986). Queensryche's second studio album.Around the mid-80s, glam metal was starting to take over as the popular form of metal music. As tuneful and catchy as it was, glam was often very simple and pompous, sometimes to the point of being just plain silly. However, there were a few groups who cared more about creating interesting music rather than party anthems and songs about rock 'n roll. Queensryche was one of those bands. 1986 was a turbulent year when it came to metal bands. Many of them either went all out with the thrash sound (Metallica, Slayer), or employed keyboards and synthesizers into the mix (Judas Priest, Iron Maiden). Queensryche fell under the latter. Its sound is very time period oriented, complete with all kinds of synths and studio effects. RFO is more polished than Iron Maiden's 'Somewhere In Time' album, but not quite to the extent of Judas Priest's 'Turbo'. However slick the production may be, underneath it all are solid songs. Here's a look at RFO track by track:1) Walk In The Shadows- A phenomenal straight ahead rocker with a main emphasis on the vocals. Great opener. *****2) I Dream In Infrared- A slower melodic track with plenty of guitars as well as backing keyboards. Very excellent. *****3) Whisper- This track is a steady psuedo rocker showing off on the guitars, and my favorite track on the album. I love the synth effects used here. *****4) Gonna Get Close To You- Although this song is very un-metal-like, it's a haunting stalker number which will be sure to stick in your head long after you've listened to it. *****5) The Killing Words- A synth-heavy gloom ballad of sorts. One of the best that Queensryche has ever written. Should have been released as a single. *****6) Surgical Strike- Sounds almost like a few of the tracks off the next album Operation: Mindcrime(1988). Very fastpaced and contains some incredible moments with the guitars. *****7) Neue Regel- A slow anthemic rocker in which the vocals take front stage. Pretty good. ****8) Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion)- Fast rocker which serves as a foretelling of the next album's story. Good but musically it doesn't stand out. Still, Queensryche shows a great lyrical sophistication here not found on any other rock group. The whole album displays this really well, but here is a prime example of excellent storytelling within a song. ****9) London- Starts out slow and melodic and builds into a vocally strengthened rocker. Later on, it bears a resemblance to Rush's 'Tom Sawyer'. *****10) Screaming In Digital- As the name implies, there are quite an abundance of synth effects used here, but it is properly backed up with a haunting and powerful vocal performance. At this point I'm beginning to wonder if the vocals are better on this album or the next. Both show incredible talent. ****11) I Will Remember- The album closes with a quiet accoustic ballad, quite unlike the rest of the album, but very well done nonetheless. Another winner. *****There are also four extra tracks in this remastered edition: An alternate version of 'Gonna Get Close To You', an accoustic remix of 'I Dream In Infrared', and live tracks of 'The Killing Words' and 'Walk In The Shadows'.Even though Operation: Mindcrime is probably the most recognized album by all the fans, Rage For Order is no less brilliant. It may not contain a well crafted concept story throughout, but RFO serves as a strong set of individual songs each dealing with their own psychological themes. 5 stars for perfect musicianship, production, and songwriting. I'm having a tough time deciding which of the two albums is better. Mindcrime is more technical and brilliant, but Rage is my personal favorite one and probably the best album to come out in 1986. Fans of Queensryche and rock in general should find this underrated masterpiece to be a fitting addition to their rock collection. RECOMMENDED TO ALL FANS."
Attack of the glam-vampires.
Lord Chimp | Monkey World | 03/30/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)

"uh, well it looks to be something of the sort judging by those hilarious bandmembers pictures. Ok, Geoff Tate looks pretty cool.

Queensryche's epic, theatrical metal takes a turn into cyberpunk territory with _Rage for Order_, their second full-length disc. This album picks up where _The Warning_ left off (crunchy guitars, epic melodies and soaring vocals), adding lots of keyboards and a more sombre tenor all in all. Consistent throughout the album, and cohering well with the aural approach of this record, is the dystopian view of technology and the future, with revolutionary speed-metal anthems ("Chemical Youth"), the alienating acoustic ballad on the panopticon society ("I Will Remember"), or echoes of tragedy ("London").

I picked up this remastered version because I was desperately hoping for a dramatic increase in sound quality over the butchery that was the first. The engineer for _Rage for Order_ should have been taken out and forcefully punted down the street. this remastered edition sounds only a little better, but it is an improvement in any case. Best of all, this edition has one particular feature which makes it indispensable (!) for fans of the 'ryche. The acoustic mix of "I Dream in Infrared" is masterful, giving the song much needed breathing room and silent menace. Killer! the other bonus tracks are pretty good.

a classic album made better, if only slightly -- but that "slightly" is pretty snazzy."