
CDs Psycroptic performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (16)

2018 - As The Kingdom Drowns

2015 - Psycroptic Deluxe Edition

Genres: Pop, Metal
2015 - Psycroptic

Genres: Pop, Rock, Metal
2012 - Unbherited Repression

2012 - Inherited Repression

2010 - Sceptre of the Ancients

2010 - Initiation

2008 - Ob (Servant)

2007 - Symbols of Failure

2003 - Scepter of the Ancients

Tribute to Benny More by Psycroptic
Unbherited Repression by Psycroptic (2012-02-21)
Ob by Psycroptic (Servant)
The Isle of Disenchantment
Symbols Of Failure by Psycroptic (2007-10-23)
The Inherited Repression by Psycroptic (2012-02-21)

CDs Psycroptic helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

2007 - Symbols of Failure

Genre: Metal