Prague Symphony Orchestra

CDs Prague Symphony Orchestra performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

Christmas Joy

Genre: Special Interest

Currently Unavailable CDs (17)

2015 - Dvorak Sacred Works Cantatas (Box Set)

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2010 - Symphony of Praise

Genres: Classical, Christian & Gospel
2009 - Dvorak Symphony No 3 Glazunov Saxophone Concerto Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue

Genre: Classical
2000 - Essential Overtures Preludes

2000 - Mozart Requiem / Smetacek

1999 - Simply the Best Night at the Opera

1998 - Cello Cto 1 / Golden Age Ballet Suite

1997 - Ways

1996 - Cyrano De Bergerac

1996 - Carmina Burana

1996 - Symphony 13
1995 - Foerster From Shakespeare Op 76 Cyrano de Bergerac Op 55 (Suite)
1994 - Martinu Echec au Roi / The Revolt
1994 - Vltava / From Bohemias Woods Fields
1994 - Beethoven Piano Concerto 3 / Symphony 8 / Arrau / Kosler / Neumann
1992 - Symphonies 94 100
Tchaikovsky Concerto No 1 for Piano Schnittke Requiem

CDs Prague Symphony Orchestra helped create...

Currently Available CDs (2)

1998 - In the Wee Hours Music to Wind Down To

Genres: Jazz, Pop, Classical
1992 - Works for Piano Orchestra

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (69)

2017 - Martinu 'Czech Rhapsody' For Baritone Mixed Chorus Orchestra Ivan Kusnjer Baritone Kuhn

Genre: Classical
2014 - Ida Haendel - Prague Recordings (1957-1965)

Genre: Classical
2009 - Strauss Korngold Violin Concertos

Genre: Classical
2009 - Romance

2008 - Martinu Nipponari Magic Nights Czech Rhapsody

2008 - Suk Symphony in E major Dvork In Nature's Realm Carnival

2008 - Martinu Spalcek The Spectre's Bride The Romance of the Dandelions The Primrose

2007 - Musica Antiqua Citolibensis

2007 - Martinu The Epic of Gilgamesh

2007 - Best of Eva Urbanov

2007 - Malipiero Violin Concerto Casella Violin Concerto
2006 - Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet Symphony No 1 'Winter Daydreams'
2006 - Complete Shostakovich Symphonies (Box Set)
2006 - Horn Concertos
2006 - The Beethoven Mysteries
2006 - A Paul Johnson Xtreme Classical
2006 - Dvork Symphonies Nos 8 9
2005 - Ince Symphony No 3 'Siege of Vienna' Symphony No 4 'Sardis'
2005 - Driving Classics
2005 - Ida Haendel in Prague
2004 - Beethoven Rubinstein
2003 - Kalabis Concertos for Harpsichord Violin No 1 Five Romantic Songs Symphonic Variations
2003 - Tchaikovsky Prokofiev Piano Concertos
2003 - Michael Hopp Solace
2002 - Light of the World
2002 - Czech Serenade
2002 - Antonin Tucapsk Violin Viola Concertos
2001 - Bach Violin Concertos
2001 - Piano Cocnertos 1-5 / Fantasia in C Minor Piano
2000 - The Doors Concerto Riders on the Storm
2000 - Brahms and Liszt Back to Back
2000 - Dvorak Suk Small orchestral pieces
2000 - Bloch Hebrew Suite Schelomo Violin Concerto
2000 - Beethoven Violin Concerto Romances Nos 1 2
2000 - The Little Record of Calm Favorite Adagios
2000 - The Essential Beethoven
2000 - Classical Music in Films
2000 - Fire Passion in the Classics
1999 - Shostakovich Cello Concertos Nos 1 2
1999 - The Best of the Romantic Era
1999 - Jancek Opera Suites
1999 - Eva Urbanov Recital
1998 - Hachaturian Sabre Dance
1998 - Czech Music Bestsellers
1998 - Dvorak The Spectre's Bride
1998 - Dvorak Mass in D major Biblical Songs Op 99 Nos 1-5 Te Deum
1998 - Dvorak Stabat Mater
1998 - Leos Jancek The Eternal Gospel
1997 - Classical Workout
1997 - Kick Back Classics
1997 - Daydreamin'
1997 - Martinu Who Is the Most Powerful in the World
1997 - Khachaturian Sabre Dance
1996 - Bedrich Smetana Czech Song Choruses
1996 - Martinu Works Inspired by Jazz and Sport
1996 - Schnabel Symphony No1/Symphony No3
1996 - Smetana Haakon Jarl Op16 Wallenstein's Camp Op14
1995 - Comenius Festive Overture
1994 - Dvorak Saint Ludmila
1994 - Music and Nature Sampler
1994 - Martinu Hry o Marii (Les Jeux de Marie / The Miracle of Our Lady)
1994 - Foerster Symphony No 4 in C minor Easter Eve / Springtrime and Desire Symphonic Poem
1994 - Martinu The Epic of Gilgamesh
1993 - The Very Best Of Beethoven
1993 - The Very Best of Romantic Classics
1992 - Sampler Volume III
Ladislav Kubk Kammermusik
Small Czech Musical Gems
Prague Symphony Orchestra Walton / Prokofiev / Ravel / Kabelac / Dvorak