Title track...title track...title track...
(5 out of 5 stars)
"yet another jaw-dropping set from a band that i think deserve just as much props for changing the way guitars are played in pop/rock'n'roll as My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, Gastr del Sol, U.S. Maple, Beefheart's Magic Band, etc..."
Polvo's best (& that's saying something)
Charles S. Hague | Somerville, MA | 04/27/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is, I think, the best Polvo release (not that they've released anything that isn't good, of course). Although it is "just" an EP, there is a wealth of brilliant songwriting here, and the songs strike a nice balance between poppy and weirdly art-damaged, just like any Polvo release. What makes me like this one above the rest, though, is that there are some really pretty moments on this album, as well as some songs (like batradar) that rock quite hard. Also, the production on this cd is very crisp, unlike other Polvo releases which are mixed/recorded in a murkier manner. Here, the impressive guitar work stands out, and that is certainly an important aspect of Polvo's music. If you haven't heard Polvo before, you should get this one. Of course, if you have heard Polvo before and don't have this, then you should get it right away."