Philippe Verdelot

CDs Philippe Verdelot performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

1989 - The King's Singers' Madrigal History Tour

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists

CDs Philippe Verdelot helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (22)

2014 - Sing Thee Nowell

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2009 - Flower of All Ships Tudor Court Music

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - Fagotto Basson Dulcian Curtal

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - A Gift for a King

2007 - Philippe Verdelot Madrigals for a Tudor King

2007 - Music for Emperor Charles V

2007 - The Voice of Bakfark

2005 - Valderrbano Silva de Sirenes

2005 - A Gift for a King

2004 - Madrigal History Tour

2003 - Christmas with the Tallis Scholars
2001 - Christmas Carols Motets
2000 - Under the Dome
2000 - Cristobal de Morales Missa Si bona suscepimus / Tallis Scholars
2000 - Firenze Medicea
2000 - Musiche Per Van Dick
2000 - Oh Flanders Free Music of the Flemish Renaissance
2000 - Verdelot A Renaissance Songbook - The Complete Madrigal Book of 1536 /C King C Daniels Heringman
2000 - English and Italian Renaissance Madrigals
1998 - The Italian Cornetto
1997 - Antonio de Cabezn Glosados Diferencias Tientos
1995 - Renaissance Polyphony in Brussels