Currently Available CDs (2) | Currently Unavailable CDs (48)2007 - Melinda Maxwell Vol 2 In Manchester 2007 - Peter Maxwell Davies Naxos Quartets Nos 7 and 8 2007 - Shenandoah Songs Dances and Fantasies of the 20th Century 2006 - A Portrait of Alan Hacker 2006 - Peter Maxwell Davies Sinfonia Concertante Sinfonia 2006 - Peter Maxwell Davies Naxos Quartets Nos 5 6 2005 - One Star At Last A Selection of Carols of Our Time 2005 - Under the Influence 2005 - Transformations (Hybrid SACD) 2005 - Peter Maxwell Davies Naxos Quartets Nos 3 4 2005 - Breathe The Relaxing Guitar 2005 - Earth-Fire Music for the Viola 2005 - British Guitar Music 2004 - Under the Influence 2004 - Wolcum Yule (Hybrid SACD) 2004 - Maxwell Davies Mass Missa parvula 2003 - Peter Maxwell Davies Chamber Works 1952-1987 2003 - Soundscapes 2003 - Simon Rattle Peter Maxwell Davies Symphony No 1 Points and Dances from Taverner (25th Anniversary Edition) 2002 - Baroque and Contemporary Trumpet 2002 - Christmas from Cambridge 2001 - Trumpet Masterworks 2001 - Arvo Prt Peter Maxwell Davies Philip Glass Trivium 1998 - Message of the Sea Celtic Music for Guitar 1998 - Davies The Doctor of Myddfai 1997 - Davies Le Jongleur De Notre Dame/String Quartet 1997 - Peter Maxwell Davies Works for Organ 1995 - Cornissimo 1994 - Lighthouse 1994 - Virtuoso Trumpet 1993 - Thomas Stevens Trumpet 1993 - Celebration of Scotland 1993 - Maxwell-Davies Ms Donnithorne's Maggot / 8 Songs for a Mad King 1993 - Maxwell Davies Ave Maris Stella / Image Reflection Shadow / Runes From a Holy Island 1993 - Maxwell Davies Renaissance Baroque Realisations 1993 - David Holzman Plays Maxwell Davies Wolpe Pleskow 1993 - Due Seraphim Angel Songs for Christmas 1993 - Solstice of Light