Currently Available CDs (1) | Currently Unavailable CDs (39)2007 - Story of My Life 2007 - Cloudland 2007 - Worlds in Collision 2006 - Why I Remix Women 2006 - Why I Hate Women 2006 - Modern Dance 2005 - Ray Gun Suitcase 2005 - Pennsylvania (Jewl) 2003 - St Arkansas 2002 - St Arkansas 2002 - St Arkansas 1999 - Song of the Bailing Man 1999 - Apocalypse Now 1999 - Dub Housing 1999 - New Picnic Time 1998 - Modern Dance 1998 - Terminal Tower An Archival Collection 1998 - Pennsylvania 1996 - Datapanik in the Year Zero 1996 - Warning Bells Are Ringing 1995 - Folly of Youth 1995 - Ray Gun Suitcase 1993 - Story of My Life 1991 - Worlds in Collision 1990 - Tenement Year 1989 - Cloudland One Man Drives While the Other Man Screams 390 Degrees of Simulated Stereo (Live) New Wave Club Class X 6