| Pema Chodron Bodhisattva Mind Genres: New Age, Pop
Track Listings (9) - Disc #1- Introduction
- Gratefulness to Our Teachers
- Rousing Bodhichitta
- The Story of Shantideva
- How to Work with Your Mind
- Verse 1: The Three Disciplines
- Verse 2: The Nature of Mind
- Verses 3-5: Mindfulness and Meditation
- Verse 6: Anxiety and Fear
Track Listings (11) - Disc #2- Q&A: Despair and Guiltlessness
- Working with Your Mind
- Closing Dedication and Visualization
- Verses 7-8: The Interdependence of Mind and the World
- Becoming a Slave to Your Desires
- Verses 9-17: The Paramitas
- Generosity
- Not Causing Harm
- Patience
- Enthusiasm
- Wisdom
Track Listings (9) - Disc #3- Verses 18-22: Working with the Mind
- Verses 23-29: Mindfulness and Alertness
- Staying Conscious
- Teaching Yourself the Dharma
- Verses 30-34: Devotion and Teachers
- Fear and Shame
- Q&A: Grieving and Loss
- How to Work with Obstacles
- Closing Dedication and Visualization
Track Listings (7) - Disc #4- Verses 35-38: Proper Attitude in Practicing Mindfulness
- Verse 39: Mindfulness of Body
- Verses 40-41: Mindfulness of Mind
- Verses 42-45: The Importance of Balance
- Verses 46-47: Staying Present
- Verses 48-54: Remaining Like a Log
- The 4 Levels of Refraining
Track Listings (10) - Disc #5- Verses 51-54: Strategies to Get Away from Being Hooked
- Verse 55: The Virtues
- Closing Dedication and Visualization
- Verse 56: Staying Steady
- Avoiding Quarrels
- Verses 57-58: The Pitfalls of Gathering Virtue
- Verses 59-70: Self-Absorption
- Non-Attachment to the Body
- An Emptiness Meditation
- Verses 71-73: Mindfulness as a Virtue
Track Listings (10) - Disc #6- Verses 74-76: Role Models for Mindfulness
- Verses 77-78: Rejoicement Therapy
- Verse 79: Mindfulness of Speech
- Reframing
- Verses 80-82: Qualities, Benefits, And Sorrow
- The 3-Bite Practice
- Q&A: The Qualities of Emotions
- Closing Dedication and Visualization
- Verse 83: Going Beyond Self-Absorption
- The Three Levels of Entry
Track Listings (10) - Disc #7- Verse 84: How to Benefit Others
- Verse 85: The Challenge of the Bodhisattva
- Verses 86-87: On the Body
- Verses 88-96: Traditional Monastic Guidelines
- Starting Over
- Verses 97-100: Instruction on the Spot
- Verses 101-103: Opening the Heart and Mind
- Verses 104-106: Using Sacred Texts for Instruction
- Q&A: How to Behave in Difficult Situations
- Closing Dedication and Visualization