An emotional cornucopia for the ears and the heart
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In my eclectic musical tastes, this album satisfies totally. The rich gospel of Sound Over all Waters makes me want to raise my hands to God in praise, and Minuet makes me clap and shout for joy. The warmth of the three part round from the Russian Earth lasts well beyond the last note and curls my toes with it's rich melodies and intricate mix. The Whale song is moving and brings me near tears, but probably the most overwhelming emotional moment in the entire album is when the audience, moved by the wolf cry and the echo of the wolf-like clarinet of Winter, responds as one in wolf howl. Try to listen to that without wanting to join in! Every song is unique and after 10 years of listening, it is still in my personal top ten favorite albums. Susan Osborn's vocals are especially moving and one could only wish she had more examples of her music available."