| Paul Wilbur Shalom Jerusalem Genres: Pop, Christian & Gospel
Track Listings (17) - Disc #1- Introit: Jerusalem of Gold/Ma Tovu (O How Good) - Paul Wilbur, Newell, Norman
- I Lift Up My Eyes - Paul Wilbur, Kerr, Ed
- Up to Jerusalem - Paul Wilbur, Wilbur, Paul
- Shouts of Joy - Paul Wilbur, Murphy, Joanie
- Sing for Joy in the World - Paul Wilbur, Sellers, John [2]
- Shouts of Joy (Reprise) - Paul Wilbur, Sellers, John [2]
- Roni, Roni, Bat Zion [Rejoice, Rejoice, Daughter of Zion] - Paul Wilbur, Loden, David
- Where Does My Help Come From - Paul Wilbur, Wilbur, Paul
- Hinei Ma Tov [Behold How Good] - Paul Wilbur, Traditional
- Sing Hallelujah - Paul Wilbur, Wilber, Paul
- Stand Up and Give Him the Praise - Paul Wilbur, DeShazo, Lynn
- Baruch Haba [Blessed Is He Who Comes] - Paul Wilbur, Wilbur, Paul
- Ma Tovu [Oh How Good] - Paul Wilbur, Traditional
- In Your Presence, O God - Paul Wilbur, DeShazo, Lynn
- Wonderful One - Paul Wilbur, Cloninger, Claire
- Shalom Jerusalem - Paul Wilbur, Wilber, Paul
- Lord, Take Up Your Holy Throne - Paul Wilbur, Ridings, Rick