P.D.Q. [pseudonym of Peter Schickele] Bach

CDs P.D.Q. [pseudonym of Peter Schickele] Bach performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1991 - PDQ Bach WTWP Classical Talkity-Talk Radio

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs P.D.Q. [pseudonym of Peter Schickele] Bach helped create...

Currently Available CDs (2)

1995 - PDQ Bach The Short-Tempered Clavier

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
1989 - PDQ Bach 1712 Overture Other Musical Assaults

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (17)

2007 - PDQ Bach The Jekyll Hyde Tour

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1998 - The Ill-Conceived PDQ Bach Anthology

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1996 - The Dreaded PDQ Bach

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
1993 - The Wurst of PDQ Bach

1993 - Prokofiev Sneaky Pete and the Wolf/ Carnival of the Animals

1992 - The Telarc Collection Volume 6

1992 - Telarc Collection Vol 3

1991 - PDQ Bach on the Air

1990 - Peter Schickele Presents An Evening With PDQ Bach

1990 - PDQ Bach Oedipus Tex and Other Choral Calamities

1990 - PDQ Bach Music You Can't Get Out of Your Head
1990 - Bach The Stoned Guest Two Madrigals from The Triumph Of Thusnelda
1990 - The Intimate PDQ Bach
1990 - PDQ Bach A Little Nightmare Music
1990 - Portrait of PDQ Bach
1990 - PDQ Bach Black Forest Bluegrass
1990 - PDQ Bach Liebeslieder Polkas Twelve Quite Heavenly Songs