"I don't know what the deal is, but this soundtrack rocks and is impossible to get!All the tracks are great but it's also the only way to get the song :"walls come down" from the ending which was a spectacular marriage of film and song at the end. HEY! this movie is very well done, but share the wealth by increasing availability of the soundtrack...PLEASE"
Want to find one
Traumasquid | US military | 11/14/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Here is a free plug for dvdempire.com They are the only ones so far that I have found that can special order it for you if you so desire."
How can I give a thoughtful review to something unavailable?
Traumasquid | 06/22/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although "Very Bad Things" was not exactly well received, it was the funniest and most clever movie released last year. The soundtrack was eclectic, smart and engaging. So why isn't it available? I would just like someone to explain the reluctance to release it."
Interscope pulling the release was a VERY, VERY BAD THING!
Traumasquid | 06/11/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Thanks to Amazon.com, the artists featured on this soundtrack are currently available as individual purchases, at the approx. cost of $195.00 makes this the most expensive soundtrack box set to date, and probably well worth every penny."
Excellent Sound Track
Roy weddle | 06/10/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Please release this soundtrack, it's so good, I can almost taste it! Gotta have it! Why wait 'til Jan 1 to release, most everybody will forget about it."