| nightmare in germany: ultimate collector's / var Genres: Jazz, Soundtracks
Track Listings (21) - Disc #1- Trapped in Darkness - Gabbermafia
- Oh God - DJ Dione
- This Is Our Moment - Stunnedd Guys
- Jet2t Geht's Los - Distortion, Dr. Z-Vago
- Your Mother Sucks Cocks in Hell - DJ Paul, The Headbanger
- Feel the Force - Hardcore Fundamentalists
- X-Terminate - DJ The Viper
- Rage - DJ Paul, MC H
- Skullfuck - Masters of Ceremony
- Hardcore Will Never Die - Hit Squad, PTP All Stars
- Turn Around - Damage Inc.
- King of the Beats - Scott Brown
- Fuck, Fuck, Motherfucker - DJ Paul, Distortion
- Under Control - Masters of Ceremony
- I Had to Kill a Lot of People - DJ Paul
- Prayer - Noise Creator
- To the Beats - DJ Paul, P.C.P. Executed
- MC's & Dj's - Evil Activities
- Be Quiet - DJ Panic, Evil Activities
- Motherfucking DJ - Viper
- Noisemakerz - Impulse Factory
Track Listings (22) - Disc #2- Intro - DJ Ron
- Shot Up the Brain - G-Town Madness Meets Attics & Stylzz
- 5881 - Da Nu Style
- Let's Get Them All - DJ Paul Elstak
- Insanity - Hard Creation
- Afrocore - DJ Anas
- Gates of Hell - The Blaster
- Fuckin' Hard - Reactor & Roul
- Rock the Whole Block - Bass D & King Matthew, Holy Crown Forces
- Get Retarted - Bass D & King Matthew, Kill Off
- Respect - T-Factor
- Try to Be Still - Art of Fighters, Neophite Vs. Stunned Guys
- Baby Raw Hardcore - Baby Raw, MC H
- T-Factor on the Floor - T-Factor
- Hardcore Will Never Die - Impulse Factory, Reactor & Roul
- X-Tinction - Evil Activities
- Next Millenium - Zero Six Project
- Hardcore Enemies You Must to Die - Noize Creator
- Nuclear Hardcore - Bass D & King Matthew
- Shotgun - Art of Fighters, Neophyte
- PTP Hardcore - Playah
- Sweet Dreams - DJ Mad Dog
Track Listings (20) - Disc #3- Nothing Else Will Stand - DJ Paul, Stunned Guys
- Gocoke - Rexanthony
- How Much Can You Take [Catscan Remix] - Bodylotion
- Do You Like Bass? - Endymion, Evil Activities
- Broken Rules - Endymion, Noise Suppressor
- Buck 'Em Down - G-Town Madness Meets Attics & Stylzz, Ultimate Warlords
- Soldier - DJ Overdrive
- Gabbermafia [Stunned Guys Remix] - E-Noid
- Alien Ressuraction - Alienator
- End of Line [Endymion Remix] - MC Ruffian
- There Is No Other - Mystery
- Causin' Panic - Alienator
- Fuzzy Muff - Scott Brown, DJ Neophyte
- B4 Your Eyes - Endymion, Evil Activities
- Love Really Sucks [Chaosphere Remix] - Stunned Guys
- Nation of Domination - Mutual Engine, Stunned Guys
- Neighbourhood Crime - Bodylotion
- Boming Eardrumz - Paul Elstak, Sinergy
- Skull Fuck - Masters of Ceremony
- Always a Jellyhead [Jda Remix] - Bodylotion, Scott Brown
Track Listings (20) - Disc #4- For All the Gabbers - Meagashira
- Zombie - Nosferatu
- Wanna Freak You - Bodylotion
- Boys Say Go - Impulse Factory
- M.I.C. - Depudee, Meagashira
- We Shall Not Be Moved - DJ Paul Elstak, Pan Pangenerator
- Hardcore Project - Bono Project
- We Are (Like I Told Ya') - Impulse Factory, Masochist
- This Is Not Bad - DJ Ron
- Emotions Executed - Nosferatu
- Rock Da House - DJ Bass, DJ Blass, DJ Malone
- Here It Comes - G-Town Madness Meets Attics & Stylzz, Viper
- Let the Beat Flow - DJ Overdrive
- World of Terror - Mir
- Get This to Your Head [Exagon Remix] - Dark Twins
- What's Wrong with My Brain - Distortion, Paul Elstak
- Strictly the MF Core - Weapon X
- Get the Fuck Up - DJ Ron
- Hello Darkness [S.O.S. Remix] - Hard Sleeper
- All the Madness - DJ Delirium
Track Listings (21) - Disc #5- Come Closer (Intro) - Master of Ceremony, Three Village
- Closer to the Speaker - MC A.D.K., Ultimate Warlords
- State of Emergency - Chaosphere, Evil Activities
- Be Hurt - Viper
- Showtime - Tommyknocker
- Earthquake - Art of Fighters
- This Is Real Hardcore - DJ Neophyte, Viper
- Back Off - Impulse Factory
- Dream Sweet - Reactor & Roul
- Know Your Enemy - Masochist
- I Had to Kill a Lot of People [DJ Nosferatu RMX] - DJ Paul Elstak
- Addicted to Bass - DJ Ron, Impulse Factory
- Forced to Snap - DJ Sabotage
- Do Not Attempt - Brisk, Scott Brown
- Horror and More Terror - Ultimate Warriors
- Ready for Judgementday - Paul Elstak, MC R.D.H.
- Back in Da House - Chaosphere, Evil Activities
- What'z Yo' Name - Weapon X
- Tha Bounce - Panic
- Damen und Herren - Playah
- Slow Me Down - Stunned Guys
Track Listings (20) - Disc #6- Soulseller - Masters of Ceremony
- Stay Focused - Endymion, Nosferatu
- Fuck Yo - Nico & Tetta
- Fear the Sound - Rotterdam Terror Corps
- Invaders - Alienator
- Flaterheads - Battlefield 0180
- Dark Impulses - Delirium, The Headbanger
- D@mystery - DJ Anas
- Back to the Roots - Baby Raw, Masochist
- Bring It - Nico & Tetta, Zero Six Project
- Muil Houwe - DJ Neophyte, MC Ruffian
- Hit 'Em - Panic
- Kick It - Baby Raw
- Enemies 4 Life [DJ Promo Remix] - DJ Paul, DJ Promo
- Undead - DJ Nosferatu
- Prednism-Attack - MC Ruffian
- Anti-Social - P.C.P. Executed
- You Bring out the Hate in Me [DJ Bike Remix] - MC Rage
- Bim Bum Bam [2002 Remix] - Stunned Guys
- Sound of the Record [Meagashira Style] - Meagashira