| Musicians of Swanne Alley In the Streets and Theatres of London Genre: Classical
Track Listings (24) - Disc #1- Nuttmigs And Ginger
- Mother Watkins Ale
- Barrow Faustus Dreame
- Stingo
- Paggington's Pound
- Bony Sweet Boy
- Willsons Wilde
- Care Charminge Sleepe
- Short Allmain
- Away Delights
- Robin Is To The Greenwood Gone
- Passamezzo Moderno
- Green Garters
- Fortune My Foe
- Chi Passa Per 'Sta Strada
- Bonny Sweet Robin
- Guillims Dumpe
- O Deathe, Rock Me A Sleepe
- Browning My Dere
- Hackney
- My Lord Willoughbies Welcome Home
- What If A Day
- Green Sleeves
- Grimstock
Track Listings (29) - Disc #2- Joyne Hands
- Phillips Paven
- Galliard To Phillips Paven
- A Lieta Vista (Sing Wee And Chaunt It)
- O Griefe, Even On The Bud
- Our Bonny Boots Could Toote It
- Pavin
- Galliard
- Sola Soletta
- In Nomine Pavin
- Galliard To In Nomine
- La Coranto
- Sleepe Slumb'ring Eyes
- Thyrsis And Milla
- Mousieurs Almaine
- The Sacred End Pavin
- Galliard To Sacred End
- Pavan
- Galliard
- A Painted Tale
- Faire In A Morne
- Sayd I That Amarillis
- Now Is The Gentle Season
- Harke! Alleluia Cheerly
- Hard By A Cristall Fountaine
- Now Is The Moneth Of Maying
- O Mistresse Mine
- O Mistresse Mine
- My Lord Of Oxenfords Maske